Grandpa Schwabik and Honey
Well, the site is ready to launch...it’s not quite finished yet, still dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s but it’s up and running. The separate family branches are a little sparse, but they will fill up too. And, we have a lot more photos to add. It takes time.
We hope you take a look around and perhaps find a resource you can use to help you in your own family history journey. Genealogy research continues on our part too…every day we learn something new or find a new record that’s been added online. We’ve had a presence on the web for quite a while now, this is the third time we are updating the site. You’ll find it faster and easier to navigate if you’ve been here before. We don’t have any ads on our site and we don’t track your visit. We do have a contact form if you want to contact us. We made this for our family and for future generations of our family.
We hope you enjoy your visit.