Possible Connections

Sometimes when searching for ancestors or possible relatives, you find people that might be related to you, but there is no documented connection. We have found some Schwabiks that may or may not be related to us- here is some information on them.


Painting reproduced on a postcard by Josefine Schwabik, purchased on EBAY

Aurel Schwabik and Josefine Pischinger from Bohemia, lived in Austria. They had three children, Marian, Aurel and Josefine. Both Marian and Aurel were photographers, Josefine was a painter.  We made several attempts to talk with Josefine, but unfortunately, she did not want to speak with us. We have  not found any connection to our family – yet! This family IS connected to Ernest Ereyni’s family- we found this out in 2020.


From a book of Josefine’s paintings

The photos of this Schwabik family come from an out-of-print book “Die Tiroler Kunstlerin – Josefine Schwabik” which features her paintings. Many of us feel there is a connection to this family, as our family has many photographers and painters – sometimes an artistic ‘streak’ runs through the family tree!

Sadly, Josefine Schwabik, artist and painter died January 26, 2014.  Although we know a lot about her, and her two brothers Marian and Aurel, we may never know if we were related to her. We will keep searching for answers.


UPDATES 5 December, 2021:

I have been able to connect Ernest Erenyi’s family from Teval, Tolna County to Dr.Josef’s family (Baja) and in turn connect his family to Josefine Schwabik’s family through Ida Priesz and Janos Schvabik (1843-1901). Here is a photo of ERNEST’S branch of the family. If you are on Ancestry you can search “Dr. Josef’s (BAHA)Svabik Family Tree” on Ancestry.com to see this tree. It took a lot of research to connect the dots…too bad we cannot connect our Schwabik family to this one!!!

The Schwabik family from Teval



Vernon R. Kostohryz has several Schwabik surnames in his family tree. We have not been able to trace any of them back to us yet, and we have been in touch with Vernon over the years. His very detailed website can be reached at:


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